Nhà cái uy tín nhất

Lê Chí Cao

Lê Chí Cao

Thạc sĩ

Bộ môn Ký sinh trùng Phó trưởng Bộ môn

I am passionate about what I do, and my vision is to build a sustainable development of Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy (HUMP) in collaboration with the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Travel Medicine, and Human Parasitology at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Germany (ITM). As HUMP's first ITM Doctoral student, I look forward to creating new opportunities for HUMP's next generation of young scientists to learn and train in a multidisciplinary institute at the University of Tübingen through the PACE-UP project.

As life teaches us the value of time and time teaches us the value of life, I always would like to try my best during the university years to improve both my academic and social life step by step, as well as the international network in Germany.   

Given my special love for Hue and the HUMP in particular, as well as my expertise in human parasites and other infectious diseases, I will do my best to support the young scientists from Hue in conducting relevant research and their lives in Tübingen as much as I could. During my four years in Germany, I will always look forward to your being here.

Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu

Medical Biotechnology; Human Parasitology; Emerging and re-emerging Infectious Diseases.